a vital part of your health care

NEW PATIENTS: Please review our Rates & Clinic Info. HEALTH PROTOCOLS are changing. Please see our Booking Page.

Gift Certificates

Give the gift of good health. Our gift certificates for massage therapy or acupuncture are available in printable or digital format.

Printable Gift Certificate

  1. Download our printable gift certificate and print at actual size (100%); do not scale
  2. Phone us for an authorization code at 250.370.1020 with your credit card ready. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express by phone.
  3. Or purchase a pre-printed gift certificate next time you're in the office with cash, debit or credit.

Download Gift Certificate

Digital Gift Certificate

If you would like to purchase a digital Gift Certificate, you will need to create and login to a JaneApp account:

Create Digital Gift Certificate

About Vitality

Vitality is a multi-disciplinary health treatment centre located near the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Oak Bay Village and Fernwood in Victoria, BC, Canada. We offer registered massage therapy, registered acupuncture, certified athletic therapy and other effective therapies to support good health and healing. Our office is open 7 days a week.