Educational Achievements
It's been a while since there has been a newsletter for Vitality, so there are a few items to cover...
First I want to congratulate Cindy Filler on completing her thesis for her Manual Osteopathy Program! For anyone who got snippets about her report, it is clear that she put her heart and soul into this work and it was a tough go at times, so congratulations and good for you for sticking with it!
Secondly, Lara Eggiman, Susan Duckworth, and I now have completed the first course for measuring compression garments for our lymphatic clients. We're pretty excited about this, as it will help us understand the complex world of garments and will maintain continuity of care. If you have any questions at any time about garments, we would be happy to answer them to the best of our ability.

302-1842 Oak Bay Ave
Victoria, BC V8R 1C2
Ph: 250.370.1020
Gift Certificates Available
Change of Ownership
Passing the torch to Susan Duckworth as of Nov 1st
And finally, I want to announce that I will be making a slow move to Nanaimo. I'm thrilled that my husband Steve has secured a job in Nanaimo where he will be able to express his strengths to the fullest. His colleagues have been very positive about this company and have even said that Steve might be happy there for the rest of his working career.
I was approached a while ago by Susan Duckworth about what I would do with Vitality if we did in fact move and so together she and I have decided that she would be a great new owner. So please bring your hands together in a great round of cyber applause for Vitality's new owner! Susan is a compassionate person and an amazing therapist. She also possesses a passion and vision for adapting things when they need a pick-me-up!
I feel that Susan will continue to run Vitality in the spirit that it was started and during her seven years here she knows the clinic inside and out. She will also be making changes that will truly make the new Vitality hers and give it that shine that will make it even more true to the name Vitality!
The impact on clients it will be very little. All will remain the same for booking and availability of therapists. My personal schedule will largely be limited as of October 29th, with the odd cameo here and there.
On a last note I want to say that I'm very aware of what an amazing thing I am leaving and I want to thank all my clients and colleagues for making my work place very little like "work" and more like "play!" Thank you and good luck to you Susan!
– Love Beth
A Bon Voyage Note from Susan
For fifteen years Beth has nurtured a solid, supportive family of RMT's, not just a thriving business.
For seven years I have had the good fortune to be part of that family. Beth has been a good friend and inspiring mentor. I am honoured that she is passing the torch to me to become the new owner of Vitality starting November 1. My goal is to keep her legacy alive by maintaining the welcoming atmosphere for clients and the close knit family of therapists. On behalf of all of us at Vitality, Beth's second family, I wish her success in her new endeavours and a smooth transition to her new home. This is not good bye, just bon voyage!

Super Food:
As we head towards Halloween, tis the time for carving, baking and eating pumpkins.
Pumpkins are a cultivar of the squash plant, with their main nutrients being lutein and both alpha and beta carotene, the latter of which generates Vitamin A in the body.
Pumpkins are native to North America. Did you know the tradition of pumpkin carving was brought over from Ireland and Scotland, where they once carved turnips!
The sweeter Sugar Pie Pumpkins are perfect for roasting and cooking and they grow locally here
on the lower island. Support local farmers!