Word about Word of Mouth
Given that
Vitality is largely what it is today due to word of mouth advertising,
we wanted to thank everyone for their continued support
and referrals.
As winter approaches,
we wanted to send out a newsletter that has a bit of
a different flair. Instead of giving tips on how you
can attend to your health, we thought we would showcase
a few people and local businesses who have been supporters
of Vitality. These three are really
appealing in many ways, but the important things are
that they are hard-working, knowledgeable and trustworthy.
And they, like us, rely heavily on word of mouth advertising.
Read on for
more about...
Sleeping Children Around the World with Judy Dryden
Your Financial Health with Paul Miller
Drink Rumble with Steve Hughes

302-1842 Oak Bay Ave
Victoria, BC V8R 1C2
Ph: 250.370.1020
Gift Certificates Available
Sleeping Children
Around the World
with Judy Dryden
The first to be highlighted
is Judy Dryden and her foundation Sleeping
Children Around the World. I was very compelled
by Judy's
foundation and how it began. She told me her father,
at one point in his life, was in the very same situation
as some of these children that need places to sleep.
He realized the value of a good night's sleep
and vowed to help with this global issue. Judy was thrilled
to write a little blurb for our newsletter and emphasized
that word of mouth is invaluable to her foundation. I
will be donating to SCAW as an individual, but Vitality
will also match $1 for every patient
from Vitality who contributes.
asked me if I could explain a bit about what I'm doing
with my retirement "downtime." I've been a client at
Vitality since it opened, and the wonderful massages
I receive help my back cope with my volunteer work. I'm
fortunate to have the opportunity to be a travelling
volunteer for the charity Sleeping Children Around the
World (SCAW).
My parents started this
Canadian registered charity in 1970 to provide children
in third world and developing countries with "bedkits." So far, over 1.2
million bedkits have been distributed.
The aim is for children to have the opportunity to have
a restful sleep and protect their health so they're
better prepared for school the next day.
Bedkits consist of
a mat or mattress, mosquito net, bedding, clothing and
school supplies. The bedkit items are sourced and assembled
in the country of distribution in order to create local
employment and reduce transportation costs. This also
ensures the items are relevant to the recipients' needs
and culture.
SCAW is referred to as the 100%
charity, as ALL
donations go directly into purchasing the bedkit items.
Almost all of SCAW's
work is done by volunteers, both in Canada and in the
countries we visit. Any administrative costs are covered
by a private fund. Over the years we've
gone to 33 countries and currently we're doing 13 bedkit distributions
in 10 countries each year.
So far, I've met wonderful
children and their families in Bangladesh, India and Nicaragua.
As travelling volunteers we're the lucky ones who have
the chance to see the happy expressions on the children's
faces when they receive the gift of a good night's sleep.
Our only advertising
is by word of mouth, so please pass the word. If you'd
like more information you can check our website at www.scaw.org Thank
— Judy Dryden
Your Financial
with Paul
second contributor to the winter newsletter is Paul Miller, Financial
Advisor for Edward Jones. Before
Paul became a financial advisor, he conducted Masters
and Ph.D. research work in Thailand on the social, economic
and environmental impacts of shrimp aqua culture. He also spent the
summers firefighting in the
shrimp-off-season. I have been working with Paul for
several years and have been impressed by his “above
and beyond” attitude that he has with his clients (no matter what your
finances are like). Paul has a true interest and passion
for people, which makes him a good person from whom to
take advice. Paul takes personal stake in helping his
clients achieve their goals. Besides investing, Paul
takes a keen interest in our earth and keeping it green.
Just the other day he was weeding and planting in Beacon
Hill Park in the pouring rain with his family in tow.
Here are some interesting thoughts from Paul, which I
hope you enjoy...
Beth and her colleagues
at Vitality are instrumental in assisting me to manage
the occupational stress associated with being a Financial
Advisor. In my work I see how financial stress affects
my clients. It comes as no surprise that many studies
have shown that financial concerns are a leading cause
of stress in Canadians. Financial stress can be difficult
to manage if you don't know what to do. It's a proven
fact that financial planning reduces stress.
The way I
typically approach client needs is to use a five-step
asset management process. Understanding what is important
to you and your family in order to help you identify
and reach your goals is critical. Although there are
many ways to work toward your goals, the key is answering
these five important questions:
1. Where am I today?
2. Where
would I like to be?
3. Can I get there?
4. How do I get
5. How can I stay on track?
A customized approach to financial
planning starts with a clear financial assessment. I
believe the best way to serve you is to get to know you,
understand your financial priorities, analyze your personal information, make
investment recommendations and then regularly review your progress
towards your goals. This is a long-term approach to helping
build wealth and my relationship with you.
My office strives to provide
the best service possible. Anyone desiring a personal
and confidential consultation can contact my office to
schedule an appointment. I can be reached by phone at
250-598-9550 or email paul.miller (at) edwardjones (dot) com.
I look forward to speaking with you. — Paul Miller
Drink Rumble
with Steve Hughes
a local
group of people have started a beverage company and it’s
really pretty exciting. They have developed a beverage
that is actually
good for you. Check out their nutritional
information on their website drinkrumble.com.
What is compelling about them is their back story. I
want to see these people succeed and Rumble has just been
put out on the shelves of Lifestyles Market, Fairways,
Country Grocer, and more every day. So if you are interested in trying
it, please do and you’ll
be supporting yet another small local business. And in
truth I have a vested interest in the success of
the company as two of Vitality's therapists' husbands
run the company. Here’s
a little something more about the company...
Like Vitality, Rumble is
about looking after your health and making good choices.
We are proud to launch in our home town of Victoria
first and pleased that people like the team at Vitality
are avid supporters. Rumble is the anytime snack that
is packed full of natural healthy ingredients. It is
tasty convenience without compromise. So please look
for us in your local grocery store and even at Vitality.
Thank for your support! — Steve Hughes
Thanks you for reading our
newsletter and have a healthy happy winter. Get out
those rain pants and dance in a couple puddles!

Super Food:
A member of the brassica family
along with broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and
brussel sprouts, kale is very high in beta carotene,
vitamins C and K and is rich in calcium. Like all brassicas,
it contains potent anti-cancer chemicals that boost DNA repair in
Kale also grows locally here
on the lower island in the winter months. Find it at
the Victoria Downtown
Public Winter Market and support local farmers.
Kale is one of the super food
ingredients in the new healthy beverage, Rumble, now available at Vitality
and local grocery stores. (See full article below.)